Home & Property

Mulberry Homes shares top tips on dealing with stress at home



Luxury housebuilder Mulberry Homes is sharing its top tips on defusing stress at home this National Stress Awareness Day, taking place on Wednesday 2nd November, to help its residents beat the mania of modern life.

  1. Clear out unwanted clutter

There’s never a perfect opportunity to declutter and sort through all your belongings, but it can be a very cathartic experience. Removing unwanted items from your home can help you focus on the things that really mean a lot to you.

A clear and organised space can help you feel more relaxed, and it’ll be much easier to destress without being surrounded by clutter.

  1. Maintain a healthy sleep schedule

During particularly stressful times, it can be easy to slip into bad habits like not getting enough sleep, which can make the stress worse.

A full night’s sleep will help you to recharge quickly, and provide you with enough energy to get through the busy days.

  1. Eat healthy

It’s easy to take comfort in junk food, especially with the convenience of takeaways. But eating unhealthily will put your body at a disadvantage when it comes to coping with and recovering from stress.

A healthy diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and wholegrains, is a great way to improve wellbeing. 

  1. Make use of your garden

Being in the outdoors is proven to be beneficial for your mental wellbeing. Surrounding yourself with greenery and breathing in fresh air is an excellent thing to make sure you do every now and again, especially if you’ve been indoors all day.

  1. Stay active

Many of us nowadays lead very inactive lifestyles, both at work and at home, looking at screens. However, short bursts of physical exercise are proven to boost your mood.

Releasing those endorphins into your system is an excellent way to unwind and to prepare yourself best for dealing with the upcoming stress of the day. Try going for a run in the morning, or a walk after work.

About Mulberry Homes

This year, Mulberry Homes has been running a monthly community fund, called The Mulberry Community Chest.

As part of the programme, charities and public organisations local to its developments are invited to apply to receive a one-off donation of £1 to £1000, and each month, a judging panel will select a beneficiary to secure the requested funding. For more information or to submit an application, visit https://mulberryhomes.co.uk/news/distinctly-local/.

Established in 2011 and based in Warwickshire, Mulberry Homes is a medium housebuilder that provides quality properties across the wider midlands. It specialises in individual and small developments with their own looks and personalities and builds traditional homes with modern layouts.



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