
Why marketing is more important than ever during the shutdown



When business is going well, bookings are up and loyal customers keep returning, marketing your business automatically becomes an afterthought. As we enter a time of uncertainty for so many businesses, it is clear that marketing is more important than ever during this Covid-19 shutdown.

Why should I be marketing if my business is closed?

At first, it may sound strange to be marketing whilst your business is closed but it actually makes perfect sense. Most of your customers will be in the same situation – at home wondering when this shutdown will come to an end.

Regardless of the services you provide, once the shutdown ends, your services will be needed again. If you are not advising your loyal customers that you value their business and look forward to servicing them again, you can be assured that your competitors will be.

  1. Keep your existing clients informed

    Unfortunately, many businesses like yours have had to shut their doors to help control the spread of Covid-19. Clients you have created a relationship with will care about your business – let them know your plans before they start to see your competitor’s plans on their timelines.

  2. Keep your existing clients engaged with your brand

    If you are in the beauty industry, use social media to share some engaging tutorials or tips that your clients can use during the lockdown. Do you sell wine? share a selection of meals for two recipes with a fabulous wine recommendation. Regardless of what service you provide, you can share tips and advice with the help of a good graphic designer.

  3. Keep your existing clients entertained

    With the vast majority of the British public on lockdown, scrolling is going to become the number one activity for a bored nation. YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and, TikTok are going to be the default destinations for many and if you are not promoting your business, how are you going to maintain your relevance? Think about creating an interesting video.

  4. Keep your existing clients!

    Existing clients you have created a relationship with will care about your business for as long as you stay relevant. By continuing or improving your marketing strategy throughout the shutdown, you increase the chances of keeping your existing clients and gaining potential new ones.

What type of marketing should I be focused on?

Good marketing costs money. There is no denying this simple fact but as you will probably have more time on your hands, you will be able to do some of the work yourself.

Focus on social media and digital marketing that enable you to capture data. The ability to capture leads and opportunities for the future is the most important goal.

  1. Social Media

    Using social media platforms for marketing is not new to you. You may have outsourced it or dabbled with it when you had some spare time. After reading this, you should be aiming to become a social media expert in the next 30 days. Experiment and get a good understanding of each platform’s pros and cons.

  2. Email

    Most people hate email marketing because they do not have the time to read it. Guess what most people have now? If you didn’t have a newsletter before, now is the time to start one. Here is the perfect opportunity to share your past and current successes with client testimonials and images of your work. You have a wealth of knowledge and experience so share it with existing and new potential clients.

  3. Offer discounts vouchers

    When the shutdown comes to an end, how are you going to entice your clients back? How are you going to stop competitors from stealing your clients? Offering your clients discount vouchers they can use when the shutdown is lifted is one way to entice your clients back once you open your doors.



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