“Bonnie & Clyde The Musical” is set to captivate audiences across the UK and Ireland following its spectacular run in London’s West End. The show tells...
Returning for the first time since 2019, this year sees the return of Wycombe Swan’s Summer Youth Project. Running since 1993, numerous participants have gone on...
The producers of the brand-new production of The Cher Show are delighted to announce that the role of Cher will be played by Debbie Kurup, Danielle...
This week, UK Theatre launched Love Your Local Theatre, a new campaign encouraging the public to support their local theatres as they begin to recover from...
Milton Keynes Theatre has today announced its Winter/Spring 2022 season with a programme of outstanding shows, shaping next year into one of the biggest in the...
An Audience with Anton Du Beke presents an intimate theatre tour with the indubitable King of Ballroom. Anton shares tales and anecdotes providing some fascinating insights...
Young people aged 14 to 19 are invited to audition to be part of the MKT Academy Young Company, offering them the opportunity to gain valuable...
Les Miserables returns to Milton Keynes Theatre early in 2022 as Cameron Mackintosh announces full casting for his acclaimed production of Boublil and Schönberg’s classic. The UK...